Planning changes or maintenance to your home? Below is some helpful information. Please also refer to the Homeowner Handbook and Design Standards on the Cluster Documents page.
Projects Where Approvals are NOT Required from the Reston Association Design Review Board (DRB) or the Ridgewood Cluster
- Changes to your home’s interior (although certain projects such as installing gas fireplaces may require a Fairfax County permit and/or final inspection)
- Trimming trees and shrubs on your property
- Repainting exterior siding and trim. Be sure you are using the assigned color scheme # for your lot. Review the Ridgewood standards document on the Reston Association website.
- Repairing siding or wood rot
- Replacing exterior fixtures (e.g., exterior lighting), deck, roof or patio with their exact duplicate. Any changes to materials or design may require approval. Review the Ridgewood standards document on the Reston Association website.
What You Need to Know
Apart from the exceptions noted above, Reston Association Design Review Board (DRB) approval is required for work performed on the exterior of your home and also required for removing trees from your property.
Before starting your project, familiarize yourself with the rules in the Ridgewood Homeowners Handbook (see the Cluster Documents page on this web site) and the Ridgewood standards document on the Reston Association website.
- Complete the DRB application.
- Complete the main section and relevant subsection. Each section contains a handy checklist. Include all required information or your application will be delayed.
- Complete the Owner Acknowledgement page which requires four signatures. (Signatures do not constitute approval of your application):
- Your own signature
- Signature of one adjacent property owner (not renter)
- Signature of one property owner (not renter) who is within view of your alterations or improvements (can also be adjacent)
- Signature of either the Ridgewood board president or vice president
- Submit your completed DRB application to the Reston Association Covenants Advisor (see home page for contact information).
Obtain DRB approval at least one month in advance of your project. DRB rules say projects must be completed within 18 months of approval; if you need more time contact your RA Covenants Advisor. The DRB meets several times each month. Decisions are usually emailed or mailed within one week of the meeting. See the DRB site for more details. If you have difficulty obtaining the required signatures for your DRB application or have other questions, contact your RA Covenants Advisor (see home page for contact information).